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1/21/2024 - 2/17/2024 - Ended!

Vote with your hands and feet. Choose a test that suits you and do as many repetitions as you can handle and how much you are ready to support your favorite. 1 rep = 1 vote


Still Love (Uudo Sepp & Sarah Murray)
6710 (28%)
My Friend (Ollie)
6029 (25%)
narkoodikumidest... (5MIINUST & Puuluup)
5789 (24%)
Hold me now (Ewert & draakonid)
2355 (10%)
Käte ümber jää (Nele-Liis Vaiksoo)
1305 (5%)
Over the Moon (Daniel Levi)
819 (3%)
Serotoniin (Anet Vaikmaa)
617 (3%)
Bad Boy (Brother Apollo)
340 (1%)
Korra Veel (Peter Põder)
270 (1%)
Never growing up (Carlos Ukareda)
74 (0%)