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Choose a poll that suits you and make your choice. You can participate in multiple polls at once.
Then select the AI test and repeat as many times as you want to give votes to your choice.
Should Rae parish declare independence?
5/31/2024 - 6/1/2024 - Ended!

Rae valla päevade küsimus.

Which place is your favourite in Estonia?
5/23/2024 - 5/25/2024 - Ended!

Choose your favourite place in Estonia in the Keila Day Fair.

Which charity would you like us to donate 10% of FitQ's March sales to?
2/27/2024 - 3/31/2024 - Ended!

In March, we're motivating you to take active movement breaks by donating every tenth euro from the sales of FitQ premium packages to one charitable project. The donation will be made to the project that receives the most support from our users. Cast your votes now!

Which song should win the Estonian Song 2024 competition?
1/21/2024 - 2/17/2024 - Ended!

Vote with your hands and feet. Choose a test that suits you and do as many repetitions as you can handle and how much you are ready to support your favorite. 1 rep = 1 vote

Millisele kõrgkooli edule elad enim kaasa VIII Üliõpilaste Talimängudel?
1/21/2024 - 1/27/2024 - Ended!

Sel nädalavahetusel on Käärikul toimumus järjekorras VIII Üliõpilaste Talimängud. Millisele koolile sina kõige enam pöialt hoiad? Tee valik ning siis anna nii palju hääli kui jaksad anda. Võid ka vahepeal puhata ja siis uuesti tagasi tulla. Kõigi hääletanute vahel loosime Talimängude laupäeva õhtusel autasustamistseremoonial välja väärikad auhinnad FitQ-lt.