For many, the new year usually starts with a new momentum, but it's important not to let that momentum go to waste. If you take on overwhelming tasks and try to change too much at once, setbacks and giving up are inevitable. Big changes must be implemented in small steps.
This has been very well received by our in the best-selling book "Atomic Beliefs" James Clear and our user Edith pointed this out very aptly in the comments section of our new challenge. We share her thoughts with you.

What is the aim of our new FREE weight loss challenge?
The aim is to provide a little daily tweaking for 24 weeks in 2024, so that the goals set at the start of the year don't slip away. A lot can be achieved in 24 weeks. A severely overweight person could lose almost 24 kilograms of body weight in a healthy way in that time. However, it is also possible to achieve nothing by simply doing nothing or changing nothing. Only a fool hopes to get a better result by doing nothing.
How to win this challenge?
The foundation of everything is your promise to yourself that you will change the things in your life that take you beyond your desired goals. Your desire is the foundation of everything. Joining the challenge and doing nothing is just as good as doing nothing.
Once you've decided that a weight-loss challenge is something you should take on, the first important thing is to regularly monitor your progress. To do this, we expect you to record your weight or waist circumference on the FitQ platform each week.
We don't expect much from you to change your lifestyle regularly. We'll give you a few simple ideas for everyday things you can do to support your health. We'll add up the consecutive days you did something on our platform. In addition to daily tasks, there are many other ways you can prove your regular commitment. For as little as one minute, you can do something active, for example, do a 1-minute squat or lunges test and you'll have an activity point on your record, completely free of charge. But feel free to take a longer video workout. In this case, of course, you'd still need to be a premium user to be able to take part in the paid workouts.
However, if you want to be one of the top teams at the end of the challenge, you'll need to get some friends together and form a team. There is no limit to the size of your team in this challenge. The more of you there are, the greater the chance of winning in the end. All members of the TOP 24 teams will be entered into the final draw of the season, where a €1000 Estravel credit will be drawn as a prize.
How is the challenge scoring done?
Every week, we'll add up your team's score. If you're the only one in a team, your score is your team score. If there are more than one of you, your team score will be the sum of your points. There are a total of 24 weeks in the challenge, but the 19 best weeks will count. This means you can join the challenge essentially until February and still have a good chance of winning. There's also no problem if you accidentally fail a week. There's a reason to pick yourself up immediately after a failure and move on.
Each team member can earn 7 activity points per week. You earn maximum points if you have done something active every day on the FitQ platform. This could indeed be, for example, a single squat or a series of abdominal exercises that takes you just one minute. It can also be a healthy daily activity we suggest, or any video workout on our platform. There are lots of different ways to be active.
It's important to remember that it's the length of your activity chain that matters this week. If you miss a task on any day, your weekly activity chain will go to zero and start to build up again. So, if you were active from Monday to Friday and forgot to do something on Saturday and do something on Sunday, your weekly chain will be only 1 point long and that will be the result of your week. However, 1 is better than 0, so whatever peval you forgot, starting again is better than not starting at all.
If all team members have recorded their weight or belt circumference during the week, the team score is multiplied by two.
As the formula for calculating the points is quite complicated, here is an example. If you have three members in your team and they all score 7 activity points, that's 21 points. If all three of them have recorded their weight or waist circumference during the current week, then multiply the team's score for that week by 2, for a total of 42 points. If one of the three has failed to make a mark this week, the team score will be 21, with a chance to correct the mistake next week. The points earned in the best 19 weeks will count. And the more friends you invite to join your team, the more points you can earn and the more you can motivate each other.
For what can you earn points on the platform?
For what can you earn points on the platform to record an active day?
- Watching (and of course participating in) the training video.
- Completing the task in the challenge and marking it as done
- Marking each day in the programme as done. Choose your training programme here!
- FitQ AI training - squats or crunches or arm curls
If you participate in our challenge for free, your options are somewhat more limited, as, for example, FitQ Premium users can, with a few exceptions, participate in training programmes or watch video trainings. However, it is still very easy for free users to sign up for a free trial. For example, by doing just one session in our AI workouts, for example.
The prize is a precious one
At the end of the season, all members of the TOP 24 teams will be entered into a prize draw with their votes, where €1000 travel credit from Estravel will be drawn among other prizes. The grand prize for all is a healthier lifestyle.
Come and transform your lifestyle in 24 weeks in 2024.