or Chapter III of Marti Soosaare's e-book "A New Beginning"
We often have a purpose for being active, and it can often be some seemingly distant external motivator. If you follow Tiia Kaare or Ott Kiivikas on Instagram on a daily basis, but see a middle-aged, slightly overweight man or woman in the mirror, the contrast is a bit too stark. Unless your self-confidence is like Katuse-Karlsson's, who would say that despite everything he is a rather fat man in his prime, the reality is that we will never get a body like that.
In fact, we don't really need a body like that unless we want to go to the World Fitness Championships. Even if we do, it's wise to look much closer.
Let's focus on the beginning, on getting out the door. Putting on your shoes. If you started but didn't become a Kiwi, that's certainly a much better achievement than not starting at all.
We have also shared previous chapters of Marti Soosaare's e-book, you can read them HERE. To download the full book, go HERE.