Is the health of Estonia's young people a cause for concern?

Over the past few years, a number of studies on children's health in Estonia have provided us with a deep insight into the world of children's well-being, health behaviour and determinants.

The health of Estonian children is generally good, but there are also some problems.

It is important to note that the health of Estonia's children is largely good, but there are areas where we can make improvements. This means our little citizens need our care and attention to support their healthy growth and development.

o One of the biggest concerns is obesity, as it can lead to a variety of health problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and even certain types of cancer. So it is important that we work together to promote healthy eating and active exercise among children.

o Another important aspect is physical activity, which is important for children's development and health. Play, sport and daily exercise help them to grow strong and healthy.

o In addition to obesity and lack of physical activity, there are also mental health issues that affect children's learning, social relationships and overall well-being. It is important to recognise and support children's mental wellbeing and to provide help and support where needed.

What research has been done on the health of school children in Estonia?

One of the most important surveys on the health behaviour of Estonian schoolchildren is the HBSC survey organised by the Ministry of Education and Research, which is carried out every four years. The last survey took place in the school year 2021/2022.

o The survey found that 13% of 5th grade, 20% of 7th grade and 25% of 9th grade students were overweight or obese. This makes us think about the importance of a healthy diet and physical activity.

o In terms of physical activity, many students did not meet the recommended norms. 60% of grade 5 students, 70% of grade 7 students and 75% of grade 9 students did not meet the recommended physical activity norm. This shows the need to encourage children to be more active and to take part in sport.

o According to the survey, 15% 5th grade, 20% 7th grade and 25% 9th grade students had depression or anxiety disorders. It is important to provide students with support and resources to improve their mental well-being and reduce their stress and anxiety.

Find all the results in an easy-to-follow table here!

How aware are young people in Estonia about exercise, nutrition, physical activity and health?

Young people in Estonia are generally aware of nutrition, physical activity and general health, but there are important areas where awareness could be further increased. This is where parents, schools and the state have an opportunity to contribute to promoting healthy lifestyles.

It is important that both families and the state help children and young people to better understand how to make healthy choices about diet and exercise. This includes both in schools and promoting healthy eating habits in the home. and creating more opportunities for physical activity.

We could also create public and free sports facilities to encourage young people to be more active. Did you know that even so few, if 15min of activity a day, can bring significant health benefits?!

But the importance of parental example should not be underestimated. As a parent, if you consciously make healthy choices about food and exercise, you are the best role model for your child. Your actions and habits have a major impact on how your child learns and shapes their lifestyle.

How can you support your child's healthy lifestyle?

If you eat healthily, play sport and look after your mental health at home, you're setting your child up for the best possible start. Children are naturally open to learning and imitating what they see from their parents. If you are a good role model, your child is more likely to be healthy and happy.

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