Spend the holidays playfully and actively! The ChristmasQ training challenge starts on 1 December.

Spend your holidays actively and do something different and playful for a change, invite your friends and join our Christmas Month challenge!

Come sign up for the challenge, either alone or in a team, and follow the pre-set workouts in the programme or find the FitQ platform that's right for you and collect points as a team. The top 10 teams will have the chance to participate in the €1000 Estravel travel credit prize draw! Read more about the prize draw here.

The ChristmasQ '23 challenge will take place in the period 01.12.23 - 24.12.2023

Sign up for the challenge today from this link

Registration for the challenge is FREE!

FitQ Premium members when you join the package, we also give you access to. Geneto dietary cap and as a bonus, Premium users get new daily training sessions, personalised feedback and the chance to earn more tennis points. Read more about Geneto and the FitQ campaign here.

For free users, there is 1 free daily video and the chance to take part in a fun challenge and score points with your team.

Who are the challenge coaches?

Kristi Möldri

Kristi has been a group exercise instructor for nearly 20 years. She teaches full-time at MyFitness fitness club on a daily basis, where she has won the MyFitness "Top Trainer" award based on attendance 4 years in a row. Kristi has been a dancer all her life, so her favorite workouts are different dance workouts, but she also likes to come up with different functional muscle workouts.

Rasmus Kala

Rasmus has been involved in sports since childhood and is particularly fond of football, which he has played for 17 years, the last 5 at semi-professional level.

As a trainer, he is determined and motivated, and specialises in strength training for amateurs and athletes at all levels.

Rasmus aims to create in you the desire to exercise and the will and desire to change your quality of life for the better. He advocates combining knowledge and experience in his training sessions to maximise the quality and meaning of your experience.

  • University of Tartu, Bachelor of Sports Science
  • Level 3 and 4 coaches' training in the powerlifting and gym EKR
  • General Physical Preparation Coach at the University of Tartu Basketball School

Merike Kangro

Merike has loved sports since she was a child and has tried many different sports - she won roller-skating marathons in the amateur class and was the Estonian youth champion in bowling. She has been working as a trainer since 2015, when she got her Jumping and deepWork licences. He currently coaches a wide variety of workouts - baby and toddler swimming, water aerobics, HIIT, KST, BBL, dance aerobics, etc.

Why should you join the challenge?

  • Playful exercises in the spirit of Christmas
  • Getting in the habit of exercising is the best gift you can give your body and your health.
  • It's easier to find motivation when you're challenging yourself on the platform, because you can see other members and teams making an effort too.
  • A predefined training plan is easy to follow and you can train at a time that suits you.
  • The training sessions are fast, intense and effective, with a choice of alternatives to the daily sessions.
  • Ask coaches for advice and support to achieve your goals
  • You will feel more energetic, stronger and more confident when you complete a challenge.
  • A moment of competition! See the progress of others in the challenge

Challenge guide


To take part in the challenge, each participant must. log in with or without an existing FitQ account. create a new account. Creating an account is free. Then sign up here on the challenge page, either as an individual or as a team.

2.Forming a team

One team member must register his/her team on the registration form. You can later add members to your team by entering the challenge, selecting "Results" from the menu and finding the "+ ADD NEW MEMBER" button.

The team member's email address must be the same as the one used to register their FitQ account. If there is no account create an account.

A confirmation letter will be sent to all participants by email. If you do not find a confirmation letter, please check your spam box (spam) and make sure that the team member's email address is entered correctly.

Once the team is registered, all members will automatically be able to access the challenge by simply logging into the FitQ account created with the same email address. log in. If there is no account, you must create an account.

3.Cost of the challenge

Registration for the challenge is free. All users get one selected workout a day from our video catalogue (7 different workouts in total) free of charge, and FitQ Premium customers get a brand new workout every day.

FitQ Premium package is 14.99€/month, come try 7 days free here

Special offer until the end of the year 1=2 FitQ + Geneto Lifestyle nutrition and exercise supplement.

The Geneto Lifestyle is the world's first genetically-tested nutrition and exercise app. Geneto Lifestyle helps to lose weight, prevent lifestyle-related diseases, extend life expectancy.

*Offer from is valid for all users who purchase a FitQ Premium package during the period 20.11.23- 31.12.23. Geneto access is valid as long as the FitQ Premium package is active.
Buy an annual package through Stebby and you'll get access to both platforms for the whole year!

P.S. you can also pay via Stebby!

4.Training content and tasks

Video training sessions last 15-30 minutes. As several trainers are involved in the challenge, there is also variation in training styles. The challenge can be short and intense or more relaxing. The whole training programme is structured to cover all your major muscle groups.

5.Resources needed

All you need is a training mat to take part in most workouts at home. Depending on your fitness level, you can always make any workout more challenging for you by using extra weights such as dumbbells or rubber bands.

6.Calculation of points in the challenge

JõuluQ points in the ranking are calculated according to the FitQ points system:

Points can be earned for watching training videos. A premium user earns 10 points per training minute, a free user 6 points per training minute. Any video workout on the FitQ platform counts. In addition, points can be earned for AI tests (e.g. 1 piece = 1 point). In the programmes, 125 points will be awarded for marking a task as done and a Premium user will receive 250 points. The points of the team members will be summed up in the results table.

7.Winners will be announced

If you complete all the exercises and tasks well, the team members with the highest scores have a chance to win raffle prizes. Winners will be announced no later than 27.12.2023.

Come and spend an active holiday with your friends and meet up with us The ChristmasQ challenge!

Collect 5000 points in March and win a €100 gift voucher!

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and to celebrate we invite you to take part in the FitQ Friendship Month Challenge. Throughout the month of February, you'll earn valuable points for every training session, bringing you closer to your 5,000-point goal. If you reach the target, you'll automatically be entered into a prize draw for a €100 gift card. Take advantage of the AI workouts, set goals and get inspired by your friends! Moving is always more fun together.

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