As a FitQ coach, you now have the opportunity to become a business owner. In the future, 5% of the company will be divided between the coaches.
Be part of the FitQ success story
Have you ever wondered how you could your passion - bringing people into shape - creating something more permanent than just a weekly hourly rate? Right now, if you sell your training either personal website or offer hours sports club, you will earn an income, but it will mostly be one-off. FitQ in the platform you have the opportunity to in addition direct service also get a real stake in the platform success - like being a small shareholder in a start-up.
What does it mean to you?
- Long-term benefits: Any step that helps you grow FitQ (and thus your customer base) will bring you revenue on top of the normal hourly rate or package sale.
- Personal growth: the FitQ is not just a technical tool, it is a powerful tool. community of trainers, supporting each other to find more customers and develop new ways to help their customers more efficiently and time-savingly.
- Professional profile: The platform makes it easier for you to build a strong name, manage your training and communicate with clients everywhere - and still have time to focus on creating real coaching content.
- Building together, winning together: As a FitQ owner, your voice in development matters. We listen to your ideas and experiences because your success is directly linked to the success of FitQ.
Imaginethat in a year's time:
- Your training sessions will attract significantly more people because FitQ opens up new customer segments.
- In addition to the direct fee, you are a real part of the success of the FitQ platform, which means that you. each FitQ development also gives you added value - that's something you'll never get with the usual "website + sports club" combination.
Take the next step towards your dreams and create more long-term value for yourself. Join the FitQ ownership, seize the opportunity for growth and be part of a new era in the coaching world.
Our mission is to create a platform where trainers will benefit daily class work more - a lasting community, satisfied customers and a stake in rapid development.