or CHAPTER V of Marti Soosaare's e-book "A New Beginning"
"A body stands still or moves in a uniform straight line when there are no external forces acting on it."
Newton's First Law
Maybe you've also had a cold-weather car battery drain. It happened to me in the 90s. I was driving an old car at the time, and the battery was probably already original fitted at the Nissan factory. To get the car running in such a case, you have to get it going and, at a good speed, engage the gear and release the clutch. If you do everything right, you don't need a new battery.
When you're pushing a car, you've probably felt how it doesn't want to roll at first, but once you've got the wheels turning, pushing becomes quite easy. So easy, in fact, that if you were planning to jump into the driving seat from the momentum, it turns out to be the hardest task of the whole endeavour.
It's the same with getting yourself moving. If you don't get into the habit of doing it, you're stuck with your butt on the sofa like a car with a dead battery. The tanks may be full of fuel (they are if you count the excess grease as fuel), but you can't move an inch. To get yourself moving regularly, you need to start by getting the wheels rolling easily.
If you think it's hard to run 10 km every day, make a deal with yourself to start by tying your shoelaces and just walking around the block or house. Once you've been at it for a week, you'll jog maybe a kilometre. Once you're used to that, you can increase the mileage to two after a week. Eventually you'll reach ten. Even if you don't, it's not too bad. Remember how small things can become big. Running 1 km a day adds up to 365 km a year, and that's certainly a lot better than eating 365 doughnuts in the same amount of time. Even if those doughnuts are chocolate glazed.
I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be limited to one kilometre a day for very long. As a mother says to a little baby, "Well, have another one," you'll find that you've finally emptied the porridge tray one bite at a time, and so eventually, neither the half marathon nor the longer distance will be an impossible mission for you.

In his book "Atomic Habits", James Clear proposes the idea of the 2 minute rule. It's not the rule that a sandwich can be on the ground for so long that you should still put it in your mouth. Nor is it the 2 minute rule introduced by David Allen in his legendary book 'Getting Things Done'. The idea of this rule is that if you stumble upon a task that would take you less than 2 minutes to do, don't put it off, do it now. It's definitely a good rule for life.
Clear's 2 minute rule is also very simple. First, you need to start by creating a habit. It's something similar to what I described a few paragraphs ago, but the idea is to start with something that doesn't take you more than 2 minutes. Anyone can do this. If you want to start running, start as I described earlier. If you want to start going to the gym, start with 10 arm curls, 10 squats and 10 abdominal exercises and that's it. It doesn't take two minutes. If you do it every day, you'll form a habit and that's the most important thing. The habit is the foundation on which you can start building the rest of the house.
In the same book, Clear told the story of an acquaintance who started by just going to the gym three times a week and staying for 5 minutes. Of course, by doing this he immediately broke the two-minute rule and made it a five-minute rule, but we'll forgive him. The logical extension of that five minutes was that, quietly, the gentleman soon started working out on the treadmill and weights. What are you doing there in the gym, bellyaching? The end result was that his weight dropped by as much as 40 kg.

It's always hard to start, but it gets easier from there. Therefore, make it easy for yourself to get started, because the wheels will start turning and it will be much easier to get going.
This was the fifth chapter of Marti Soosaare's e-book "A New Beginning". We have also published the previous chapters, you can read them on our website. from the blog, you can download the whole e-book but HERE.