or Chapter VII from Marti Soosaare's e-book "A New Beginning"
"If you have a body, you're an athlete"
When does a person become a singer? When a pianist? When an athlete?
There is probably no objective answer to these questions. Some think Marco Tasane is a singer, some think he is not. So what do we do? A referendum? It is probably not so important whether we think he is a singer or not, but his own opinion. Because he himself thinks he is a singer, he sings, and in doing so, he divides many people's minds. Can we ban him if we think he is not a singer?

How do I motivate myself to go to the gym? For team events it's easy, you just tell yourself I can't let the others down, and for a forest run you remind yourself how good it feels after 10km and how nice it is to go to the sauna afterwards!
Mart Uuehendrik
basketball coach and referee
Perhaps we have something to learn from him? Why can't we think of ourselves as athletes? That doesn't mean we should lose our sense of reality and sign up for the next NBA draft, hoping to get a big paycheck to the Lakers, when in reality the best we can do is make one of five free throws, 'Cheese Woman' style.
This idea has nothing to do with a real profession, but more with a lifestyle. What's the worst that can happen to you if you buy the best equipment your wallet will allow? That's assuming your child is still wearing healthy clothes for sport. What's the worst that can happen if you sometimes take sports gels on a bike ride? Maybe someone will tell you to lose the excess weight first and then start eating the gel? Or that he hasn't taken the gel and has run 40 marathons without it. After all, he doesn't need to eat the gel. Mind your own business.

In the case of training, since I dance, right, my absence means that the group dances with an empty seat or someone from another group has to dance in a strange place. Which is developmental for him, of course, but not at all fair to the group. And the trainer is also very happy if everyone or as many people as possible are present, it's also motivating.
Age Rosenberg
entrepreneur, mentor, coach
Why is it bad if you mix a spoonful of protein powder with water after a hard gym workout? Some wise people say that extra protein isn't necessary unless you're a professional athlete.
He's sort of right, but he forgot that you are an athlete. If that extra gram of protein was necessary to make you feel like a full athlete, it went a long way. Pretty much it comes down to whether you think of yourself as a healthy person or an unhealthy person. Are you the one who never loses weight? Or the one who never manages to do a splits in their life?

I ask myself: "If I didn't go to the gym, how would I feel at the end of the day?" Almost always, the answer is "Badly!". Also, the exceptionally bad weather gives an extra motivation - rain, wind, cold, snow - afterwards the satisfaction of having done it is even greater. A quote from David Goggins: "Don't let those who have chosen the path of easier resistance deflect you from the path of harder resistance." And from Jordan Peterson - "Find the heaviest weight in your life that you can lift and carry it."
Kristjan Luha
eAgronom Chief Financial Officer, former Nike Global Vice President
My daughter told me many years ago that she could never serve over the net in volleyball. Before that, she couldn't hit the ball accurately from the top with two hands. I always had a simple answer to that - you're a volleyball player, you go to practice and you practice and these things will come out. That's the way it's gone, of course.
It will happen to you when you start to believe that you are an athlete. As Bill Bowermann said, "If you have a body, you are an athlete." If you have a body, you're an athlete. So believe it.
This was the seventh chapter of Marti Soosaare's e-book "A New Beginning". We have also published the previous chapters, you can read them on our website. from the blog, you can download the whole e-book but HERE.