A new start: Why are you doing this?

or CHAPTER IX of Marti Soosaare's e-book "A New Beginning"

Ask yourself why you're doing it in the first place. Is this the chapter you should have started with? But if we look at motivation as the sum of its parts, it fits in wonderfully here too.

If you haven't watched Simon Sinek's legendary TEDx talk, which recommends starting with the question "why", the video is still up on Youtube. The short version is that the most successful companies are those that answer the question 'why' well. Why should you buy a car, phone or washing powder made by them?

No doubt you too have the answer to the question of why you do all this? Why do you want to move more in the first place? Maybe that first answer is not the right one. So dig deeper.

I want to be more active. Why?

Could I weigh 15 kg less? Why?

When I look in the mirror, I feel like I don't look good. Why do you want to look good?

I'm lonely and I'd like to find someone in my life, but I wouldn't want just anyone. I'd also like an athletic person, so I should be more athletic myself. Why would you want someone in your life?

I have a feeling it would make me happy.

Probably it would be wise to stop now, so as not to be left asking "why" questions like a five year old.This idea and the journey to get there is probably understandable, and probably the reason at the point where you answer that it would make your life happier. Who wouldn't want to be happy? That is the ultimate goal.

Of course, these questions and answers are different for everyone, but the end-cause is probably pretty much the same. You're just a lot happier yourself.

Once you've thought these things through, your reasons will be much clearer to you, and when you're thinking about whether or not to go to the gym, focus your mind on the "why". It can help you on a rainy day.

There are two sides to every coin. If we do one training session, it doesn't bring us visibly closer to the result, but it may have been difficult. Just thinking about the cause can take your mind off it in a few weeks, when you're still not noticeably slimmer. You have to be able to make the process enjoyable for yourself in some way, though, because good answers to the 'why' questions may not come for months or years.

This was the ninth chapter of Marti Soosaare's e-book "A New Beginning". We have also published the previous chapters, you can read them on our website. from the blog, you can download the whole e-book but HERE.

Now that you've figured out your "why" and decided it's time to get moving, choose a workout. HERE.

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Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and to celebrate we invite you to take part in the FitQ Friendship Month Challenge. Throughout the month of February, you'll earn valuable points for every training session, bringing you closer to your 5,000-point goal. If you reach the target, you'll automatically be entered into a prize draw for a €100 gift card. Take advantage of the AI workouts, set goals and get inspired by your friends! Moving is always more fun together.

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