Katrena Tenno - on virtual training and training at home

With gyms and sports clubs closed for extended periods again these days, home-based virtual training has become an increasingly common and convenient way for many people to exercise. One of the most popular ways to exercise for many fitness enthusiasts in Estonia (and also FitQ) one of the most popular coaches - Katrena Tenno - gave the Radio to Elmar an interview where he talked about virtual training and moving yourself.

Those people who already have a strong exercise habit are unlikely to be sitting on the sofa at home waiting for sports clubs to open. It's a different story for people who have been thinking for a long time that they're going to work out tomorrow - and who have consistently postponed their workouts in this way.

If you think it's hard to find the motivation to start exercising, Katrena Tenno says: "I would say that motivation has to start with the person! The person has to find the right place and the right moment when you say now I'm going to start exercising."

If just getting started can seem challenging, Katrena suggests: "You need to come up with a solid plan. Even in Estonia, there are now many virtual training platforms where you can work out". Katrena gives workouts on different platforms and her workouts on FitQ are some of the most popular on the platform. Watch her FitQ channel HERE.

So how do you go beyond one workout to create a positive exercise habit? Katrena says "Maybe the situation wasn't so bad after all and maybe the world needed a change. If you take Estonia, there are places where there are no gyms, so in that respect this world of virtual training is a new reality. It's really nice to do your workout at home, take a shower and 5 minutes later you're back on your couch, it's so comfortable".

But what equipment could you use to exercise at home? Katrena thinks that a mat, or even a towel if you don't have one, could be the main thing. If you don't have dumbbells handy, you can put water bottles in your backpack as weights, for example, and you can do a lot of exercises with that. Dumbbells can be bought in a wide range of weights, and you can do a lot of exercises with rubber bands. All the chairs and couches are also great helpers.

Katrena also said that there are really lots of different workouts, and you shouldn't necessarily rush to do the first one you come across, but the one you don't like - there are different cardio, strength and other workouts - it's worth looking around and picking something you really like.

In the interview, Katrena was also asked how often people should try to exercise. "It all depends on your fitness level. People who are used to racing around in the gym with heavy weights find it half as hard to keep in shape at the moment. But if you're a regular exerciser and have plenty of free time, you could exercise, say, four times a week... and why not more! We have to take into account the fact that people in home offices are half as inactive as they would otherwise be. If you don't have that much time for exercise, I would recommend you also pay attention to your diet," says Katrena Tenno, a trainer.

The information and quotes in this post are based on the Radio Elmar article and interview. Read the Elmar article and listen to the interview HERE

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