The first challenge in FitQ ended with a great result. At the end of the challenge, we received feedback from 48 participants out of 193 who started the challenge. The respondents gave an average of 4.67/10 for their form at the beginning of the challenge and 7.13 at the end of the challenge, a difference of 2.46 points or 52% from the beginning, so it can be argued that those who successfully completed the challenge essentially halved their physical fitness.
We also asked how satisfied the participants were with their performance in the challenge, and those who responded thought they had done very well. The average score for self-report was as high as 7.88 points. Of course, it is possible that the competitors who did not provide answers at the end may not have given themselves the same high marks.
As the challenge was free of charge for the participants, but the coaches and organisers did a lot of work, we also asked the participants what they thought a fair financial price for the challenge could be. 3 respondents were convinced that they would not take part in a challenge for money. On average, a fair price for the challenge was suggested to be €18 per participant, which is happily about the same amount that we think a monthly subscription to FitQ could cost (currently €14.99).
We also asked for thoughts on new challenges and participants suggested keywords such as steps and mileage, mentioned the Valentine's Day and beach shapes challenge, but also of course the New Year. Quite a few people thought that a new challenge could be done in the New Year, and we'll let you in on a little secret that there are several great challenges coming up in the New Year. Keep your eyes peeled and come and join in!
The JõuluQ Energy Challenge was a sporting challenge between teams of 2-7 members, aiming to train 5 kWh of electricity per team per week. 48 teams registered for the challenge, 5 of which completed it with the maximum possible points: Women's Defence, SaleValentina, IsverSusver, 5K and HEAL. The challenge was supported by Stebby, Tradehouse, Beautiful Me, Health Plus and Fitlap.
We also had an extra special raffle prize of a Garmin Forerunner55 smart sports watch for all four weeks of the survey. This time, the winner of this watch was week 4's respondent number 35, a user whose email address starts with liina.grete@ We'll contact the winner!