FitQ on Eesti 13 parima wellness startupi seas

Internetti kammides leiab mõnikord üllatavaid asju. Näiteks avastasime, et FitQ on mainitud Eesti 13 parima wellness startupi hulka. Tunnuste jagajaks oli Startup Pill nimeline portaal, mis jagab uudiseid startup maailmast ja startup founderitest.

Ise kirjutavad nad oma edetabeli valiku kriteeriumid lahti nii: Valisime need idufirmad ja ettevõtted välja erakordsete tulemuste eest ühes neist kategooriatest:

  • Innovatsioon
  • Innovatiivsed ideed
  • Uuenduslik tee turule
  • Uuenduslik toode
  • Kasv
  • Erakordne kasv
  • Erakordne kasvustrateegia
  • Juhtkond
  • Ühiskondlik mõju

FitQ tänab tunnustuse eest ja näeme vaeva selle nimel, et olla ühel päeval maailma parimate wellness teema firmade seas.

Loe Startup Pill TOP 13 edetabelit siit

man riding bicycle on top of mountain

Enjoying the process or the finish?

Talking about goals often focuses on the outcome, but the real value lies in the process. If we focus only on the finish, we can become bored and empty. A sporting journey can be made enjoyable by noticing small moments of joy, learning and feeling gratitude. The results will come naturally if we enjoy the journey.

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Colorful meal prep containers with falafel, chickpeas, rice, and vegetables for a healthy lifestyle.

Calorie Calculator - a tool to help you eat and exercise more consciously

Looking for an easy way to calculate your daily calorie intake? Our calorie calculator will help you make wise choices in both diet and exercise, taking into account your TDEE, or total daily energy expenditure. Achieve effective weight loss or muscle gain with a balanced menu and stay in control of your health. Personalised calculations take age, weight, gender and activity into account, ensuring accurate results.

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Yoga routes return next week

Discover the power of Gina Bergmann's Friday Vinyasa yoga classes: an energetic and meditative workout that builds physical stamina, relaxes the mind and relieves stress. Join the Friday classes to increase flexibility, muscular strength and mental focus - every time!

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