Scientifically proven - just 15 minutes of exercise a day will give you these 5 benefits!

Are you with friends? 15 minutes flies by. Waiting in a long queue? The same time feels like hours. Same with exercise. Some people enjoy a long and rewarding workout, others prefer the couch. But it's not just laziness! Published in the journal Psychology of Sport and Exercise. study shows, that up to 37% of a person's "response" to exercise may be due to his or her genes. Some people are literally willing to exercise more than others.

Just a few minutes a day is enough to reap the health benefits!

published in the journal PLOS ONE Work compared the effects of 45 minutes of jogging with a short 10-minute session (including just 1 minute of high-intensity sprinting).After 12 weeks, participants in both groups showed similar improvements in both cardiovascular and metabolic health. "Short-duration high-intensity interval training improved cardiometabolic health scores to the same extent as traditional resistance training in sedentary men, despite 5x less training volume and time," concludes the study.

5 scientifically proven benefits of just 15 minutes of exercise a day!

1. Your brain gets smarter!

Published by the journal Neuropsychologia in the study found that 10-15 minutes on a velotrenaze led to a 14% increase in cognitive performance!

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences presented research project a group of college students were asked to go for a short walk (or some other light exercise, such as yoga) for about 10 minutes. Afterwards, they were given a memory test, which showed better results on the memory test than the students who did not exercise.

2. Helps reduce cravings

Published in the magazine Appetite in the study wrote that just 15 minutes of exercise a day is all it takes to halve your intake of sweets and chocolate!

3. Your mental health improves

Did you know that as little as 15 minutes of running (or equivalent moderate exercise) a day can reduce the risk of depression by 26%? This is the result of a study conducted at Harvard University. in the study!

And exercise also benefits those who are already struggling with depression. BioPsychoSocial Medicine reported in the study concluded that 15 minutes of exercise on a treadmill significantly reduced levels of the stress hormone cortisol in a group of people diagnosed with major depressive disorder.


4. Your lifespan could be extended!

In the journal The Lancet described in the study more than 400 000 people were followed. The results were encouraging! Compared to participants who did not exercise at all, those who exercised for an average of 90 minutes a week (or 15 minutes a day) had a 14% reduced risk of mortality and a 3 year longer life expectancy. A similar result was also obtained by the European Society of Cardiology's Study with 120 000 subjects. It showed that 15 minutes of exercise is enough to reduce the risk of death in older people by 22%.

5. Burn more calories

You don't have to spend all day in the gym! The journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise reported survey, which showed that lifting weights for just under 15 minutes (about 11 minutes) 3 times a week provided a more sustained increase in energy expenditure. Put simply - participants continued to burn calories and fat even after lifting weights. Even more encouragingly, the study authors conclude that lifting weights for about 15 minutes a day for a few days a week can help prevent obesity, even among those who otherwise lead a largely sedentary lifestyle.

So adding any kind of movement to your day is very valuable! Even if you're short on time, a little extra intensity can provide unique health benefits. The key is to be consistent in your exercise and to 'jump back on the bandwagon' if you get off track. Need help? Contact us and support you on your journey, wherever you are and whenever you are!

The FitQ platform is launching a challenge in February to help you build training habits and train your consistency. Estonia's best trainers Kristi Möldri and Kalev Ermits have put together an effective workout plan for you, where you will find a 15-20 minute workout every day. 

Find out more, you can still register:

Collect 5000 points in March and win a €100 gift voucher!

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and to celebrate we invite you to take part in the FitQ Friendship Month Challenge. Throughout the month of February, you'll earn valuable points for every training session, bringing you closer to your 5,000-point goal. If you reach the target, you'll automatically be entered into a prize draw for a €100 gift card. Take advantage of the AI workouts, set goals and get inspired by your friends! Moving is always more fun together.

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