FitQ Blog

5 ways to create lasting changes in physical activity and exercise habits!

Physical activity and regular exercise are important factors in a healthy lifestyle. However, it can be a challenge to create lasting changes in your physical activity levels and exercise habits. Fortunately, there are a number of strategies that can help you succeed in this process. Read more about how to create lasting changes in your eating habits! What steps can help

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How can we create lasting changes in healthy eating?

When it comes to eating healthily, your overall wellbeing and well-being are definitely important to you. There are a number of strategies you can use if you want to create lasting change in your eating habits. Which steps will guarantee lasting changes in healthy eating? 1. Set realistic goals for your diet The first step is to set realistic goals for yourself. Don't try to get all of your nutrition right at once.

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Does "sin day" mean failure?

Losing weight is often a long and challenging journey that requires dedication, willpower and consistency. Many people feel motivated after a successful weight loss and like to reward themselves with a 'cheat day', where they can indulge in all the foods and treats they would otherwise avoid during the diet. Well, we know

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FitQ helped conquer the summit of Mount Everest

In November, we blogged about how Kunnar Karu started preparing to conquer Mount Everest, and in the podcast, we talked more about how he came up with the idea, how the preparation process progressed and what he thought was in store for him on the ultimate summit. Listen to the podcast here. Kunnar's perseverance is admirable and he made his dream come true!

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How can strong back muscles help prevent lower back pain?

Lower back pain is a common problem for many people. Back pain can be caused by a number of different factors, such as poor posture, a sedentary lifestyle, injuries and ageing. Be sure to read about the most common causes and how to prevent them here. There are many ways to prevent and relieve back pain, but one sure and effective preventive measure against lower back pain is to

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What causes lower back pain?

Our coaches are often asked: why do I have lower back pain on the right/left side or a nagging pain in the lower back? Also, what could be the exercises in a lower back pain treatment guide? Unfortunately, there is no single answer - your back hurts because ... and so do these exercises - there is no single answer. Why? Because back pain can be caused by many different factors. Here are

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FitQ Studio OÜ acquires Gymwolf

Estonian software company FitQ Studio OÜ, which builds software for personal trainers, has acquired Gymwolf OÜ, a company operating in the same field for around a decade. Gymwolf is a platform with more than 25,000 users, allowing fitness enthusiasts to maintain their gym workout diaries and personal trainers to create and manage their own personal training sessions.

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FitQ Studio OÜ acquired Gymwolf OÜ, a company active in the same field of activity

Estonian start-up FitQ Studio OÜ, which builds software for personal trainers, has acquired Gymwolf OÜ, a company that has been active in the same field for ten years. Gymwolf is an environment with more than 25,000 users that allows exercisers to keep their own gym diaries and personal trainers to create and sell workout plans to people who want to improve their fitness, track their progress and get the best results.

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Two Estonian health unions start cooperation

Two Estonian health clubs, Robus Athletics and FitQ Studio, are starting a collaboration that will make Robus training plans and equipment available to users of the FitQ training platform. As a first option, Robus' lower body workout programme, which includes 20 workout videos and is led by top Estonian trainer Katrena Tenno, will be made available to FitQ users. "Robus and FitQ both focus on training at home.

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Common diet and nutrition myths

Nutrition and diet are very popular topics these days. However, there are also many myths and misconceptions that can even harm people. In this article, we look at some of the most common myths about diet and nutrition and see what the research actually says. Myth 1: You have to be hungry to lose weight on a diet

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We have good news for our own health lovers. We've started a new season of our FitQ - Energy podcast. Last season wasn't very long, but we're trying to make up for that this time. In the second season of the Energy podcast, Keirin Rebane joins us, and together with Marti Soosare, they're going to try to catch some of the most interesting and exciting stories from the world of energy.

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Is permanent weight loss possible?

A healthy diet is one of the most important components influencing our overall health and well-being. However, many people make the mistake of following extreme diets to lose weight quickly. Such diets are usually not sustainable and the weight comes back later. It is therefore important to find ways to create healthy eating habits that stick

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A workout at the gym or video training at home?

We live in a fast-paced world where time is a precious resource. However, it takes time and commitment to exercise, which makes it difficult to maintain regularity. Fortunately, today we have the great opportunity to take part in video/online training, which allows you to train when and where you want. What is video training?

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Home workouts - how to get started?

A common question is - how do I start exercising at home? What is the best home exercise plan for women/men? Should I follow a training video or buy a personalised training plan? There are more and more questions. Did you find one or even a few that have been on your mind? Home workouts are

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7 tips from artificial intelligence to make our afternoons more productive

Has the time finally come when simple blog posts no longer have to be written by a human copywriter? Will it be up to humans to ask machines only the right questions and receive a perfectly "edible" article in less than a minute? The following text has been put together in plain English by a computer, which is the only one to ask the all-interesting question of how to change the

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As a trainer for the FitQ platform ownership group

As a FitQ coach, you now have the opportunity to become a business owner. In the future, 5% of the company will be divided between the coaches. Be part of the FitQ success story Have you ever wondered how you could turn your passion for getting people in shape into something more sustainable than just a weekly hourly rate? Right now, if you sell your workouts either on your personal website or offer a

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