Talisuplus - why try it and how to get started?

Talent bubbles have become more and more talked about in recent years. With the colder weather coming, it seems almost everyone has a friend posting a picture of a cool beach or a hole dug in the ice. On the one hand, the idea of a winter wonderland might seem scary, on the other, it's exciting - but what's the magic of a winter wonderland?

In this article, we'll open up the world of winter fun - how and why to get started, what equipment you might need, and what dangers to be aware of. In addition, two FitQ trainers tell us about their experiences with winter sports - how to get started and what to do. Melissa and Laura and adding his own expertise will be Henri Kaarma, multiple world winter swimming champion. In addition to winter swimming, which is better known to amateurs, there is also winter swimming as a separate sport. We also talk about winter swimming in the article, and one of the organisers of the annual Ice Swim Festival, Erkki Kasenurm, shares information about the festival.

Talisuplus as an immune booster and energiser

When it comes to the benefits of winter bathing, the first thing that is often mentioned is the strengthening of the immune system and the "hardening" of the body, and it has been found that winter bathing speeds up blood circulation and reduces inflammation. It is also a chance to challenge oneself mentally, as the sudden discomfort caused by the cold is a real rush of self-discovery.
Melissa points out that after a winter shower, she feels an increased energy level, which can be described as euphoric. On the day of the winter bath, she feels brighter, fresher and more energetic after swimming. Henri agrees, saying that after a winter swim you feel a strong endorphin rush.
Laura feels the same way, that winter fun is like a restart for the body and mind and also helps to relieve stress. Talisuplus can be seen as a refreshing experience both physically and mentally.

Everyone who can afford it should try out the Talisuplus.

Talisuplus is suitable for the curious and the daring, for whom it is not strictly contraindicated. Melissa thinks that winter fun is for anyone who wants to try it and challenge themselves in a different way. She's seen children as well as elderly seniors. Henri's suggestion would be for all able-bodied people to try winter souping, you might start to like it. However, he says that if you have a heart condition, it's worth consulting a doctor first. All the interviewees agree that winter soup should be something that all healthy people should try once in their lives.

Getting started in a winter sports activity - at home, in a body of water or with a winter sports club

There are many ways to get started, and depending on the situation and the possibilities, you can "wet your toe" for the first time at home, in a spa or in a cold body of water. Laura suggests starting in steps. In the beginning, you can experiment with cold water in the shower, and it's very important to adapt to cold water gradually. You should definitely start with shorter sessions, and over time you can extend the time in the water if you wish.

Laura thinks that if you're going to go to an outdoor pool to try winter swimming, you should do it slowly - first get your feet wet, then your hands, and put some water on your arms and shoulders. Once your body has adjusted, it's easier to go all the way in. Breathing plays a big part in the winter shower and cold water - it needs to be got under control. Slow breaths help to relax the body, although the initial reaction may be to automatically catch your breath from the cold or to find it difficult to breathe. For breathing, you can try Wim Hof methods. Laura points out that she initially likes to warm up with the "fire breath" method (especially active breathing). However, when going into the water, it is necessary to slow down and calm your breathing, it is important to quiet your mind. Melissa recommends that you start practising in cold water at the end of the summer or early autumn. Even then, it is important to start with a shorter period in the water, after which you can extend your stay. 

While it's possible to gradually try winter swimming alone in the shower or open water (provided you do it safely and in a familiar place), a good way to try winter swimming is to get in touch with others who have already discovered it for themselves, on Henri's advice. On social media, you can find a variety of winter soup clubs, which can already be found in every city and even in smaller towns. Some clubs have a sauna and changing room, while others meet by an open body of water and simply walk along the water from the shore. Trying it with others is certainly a great way to learn from them and gain some knowledge.

Talisuplus does not require any special equipment, but it does require some thought.

All interviewees agree that winter sports is not a hobby that requires a lot of special equipment. Rather, it is important to have thought through how to warm up after swimming. When choosing a location, it is a good idea to go to a place you know - jumping into the water in an unfamiliar place can be dangerous, especially in cold weather. Winter swimmers usually wear swimwear and carry a towel. In colder weather, it's also important to have a hat on when you go into the water. Laura and Melissa stress the importance of warming up after getting out of the water, with a towel or dressing gown, something warm to put on your feet and gloves.

Laura thinks that special gloves and slippers are available for bathing, but thinks they are more for serious swimmers and not for amateurs. Henri also mentions neoprene gloves and slippers and thinks they can be used, but the swimmer will have a more authentic experience without them. If it is possible to go to a warm sauna, Henri would recommend going into the water first and then warming up in the sauna. If there is no sauna available, dress warmly and when going for a swim, plan ahead so that you don't have to put on sticky clothes after the swim - a difficult and unpleasant task with damp and cool skin.

Awareness of risks is important

All interviewees confirm that after bathing you should dress properly and protect your head and fingers in particular from the cold. Laura reminds us that staying to talk for a longer time after a swim can put you at risk of catching cold. The water itself is at plus degrees, but it can be sub-zero and windy outdoors, so you should take off your wet clothes as soon as possible after leaving the water.

Melissa stresses the need to warm up, and Henri adds that warming up is important, but after a winter shower, don't go into a hot sauna or hot water, and warm up slowly. Again, Laura also stresses that going swimming alone can be dangerous - so it's better to get into the habit and do it safely with a friend or family member.

Once you've tried it once, you can get a taste of the winter wonderland - its charms are instantly tangible.

Melissa's experience with the Winter Cup started gradually in 2020-2021. She started at the end of September by running about 5-6 km, and then she went for a dip in the river. During the winter, the swim also followed, for example, a weight training session, and the place of the swim could be the river or the sea. On a few occasions, Melissa also tried to go straight from home, 'cold', into the water - but this seemed to be a more difficult crossing for her. The fact that her body was already warmed up with some kind of exercise or training made the winter swimming experience more enjoyable. Taking up snowshoeing was a major rite of passage, Melissa says it felt like one of the things she thought she would never do in her life. And yet, that's why she decided to give it a try anyway, because it felt like such a huge leap of faith. She proved to herself that she could overcome this fear and eventually she started to enjoy winter swimming, which gave her a lot of good energy and a sense of well-being.

Laura has been in the ice since she was a child, but she has been going directly into the water "cold" since 2019. The fun became a habit when Laura's family decided together that they were going to swim in cold water. Laura has made a rule for herself that if it's not too much for her, she'll try something new, just once. If you don't like it, at least you've tried it and don't have to do it again. But Laura was surprised to find that she actually liked winter swimming, and it gave her good energy. By now, winter swimming is such a nice way to spend her lunch break that Laura jumps straight from her laptop into the water.

From the idea of the talismanic bubble to winter swimming

Henri describes his experience of swimming - by 2007 he had done his first marathon swims and had the idea that you could actually swim in winter. The cold water was a bit overwhelming for him at first, but at the same time he reassured himself that there were 100 000 winter swimmers in Finland. With so many winter swimmers, it can't be too much of a challenge. One November evening, Henri slipped into the water at Kakumäe beach, dunked himself neck-deep in the water and splashed back to shore. The adventure lasted only a minute or two, but he was delighted. Like everyone who starts winter swimming, he got a powerful endorphin dose and from then on winter swimming became a habit for me. Henri has since made a name for himself in the world of winter swimming (that's right, competitive swimming) and is a multiple world champion winter swimmer. He has therefore found in this world not only an outlet for self-discovery but also a different way to challenge himself.

Swimming competitions in Estonia - Ice Swim Festival

If when we talk about winter swimming we think of dipping ourselves in the cold water and maybe spending a few minutes there, winter swimming as a concept has another meaning. Winter swimming is the classic winter swim in open water where the water temperature is less than 10 degrees plus. Winter swimming is competitive, not so much about toughening up as about getting from point A to point B as quickly as possible - but the conditions in the cold water are very special compared to other swimming events.

Estonia also organises winter swimming competitions and, for several years now, a winter swimming festival. This year's Winter Swimming Festival took place in the week 28.11-04.12, just recently. One of the organisers of the festival, Erkki Kasenurm, shares that this time the festival was organised for the third year in a row, with a total of four years of organisation (2019 was without a festival). In the past, there were also competitions, but their organisation changed. The Ice Swim Festival organisers have seen how competitions are organised abroad (in Latvia, Russia, Belarus, Slovenia) and have put the best ideas behind their ears and are giving their event a chance to experience something new - while having plenty of enthusiasm themselves. Erkki says that the great thing about winter swimming is to see people go into the water smiling and come out smiling. 

Erkki describes Ice Swim Festival both: "The festival is divided into two parts:

1. Athletes who come to compete for glory and fame (this time the opening stage of the World Championships was in Tallinn, with 13 countries represented).

2. Amateurs who have no direct desire to be the fastest (there can only be one winner), but the joy of doing it together. As organisers of the festival, it is our desire to bring these "backyard pond skiers" to a community event to party together. In previous years, we have organised a 'record swim' - so far, the record swim should be a permanent one from 2020 (505 swimmers took part - all participants were able to swim 25 metres in a style and costume of their choice)."

If you're feeling inspired, go and try it out!

If you've never done a winter celebration before and are wondering if and how to get started, we hope this article has given you some ideas and inspiration.

We remind you to start gradually and to try winter snorkelling in an open water body, go to a familiar place and preferably not alone. Before you go swimming, think about how you will warm up afterwards and make sure you have all the necessary conditions. Warm clothes, a hat, gloves, maybe even the chance to go into a warm room - you need to be prepared to make your experience memorable and safe. If you'd like to try winter swimming with others, try to find a winter swimming club where you can gain experience. We wish you a refreshed mind and a great swimming experience!

Collect 5000 points in March and win a €100 gift voucher!

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and to celebrate we invite you to take part in the FitQ Friendship Month Challenge. Throughout the month of February, you'll earn valuable points for every training session, bringing you closer to your 5,000-point goal. If you reach the target, you'll automatically be entered into a prize draw for a €100 gift card. Take advantage of the AI workouts, set goals and get inspired by your friends! Moving is always more fun together.

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