There's more than enough to do over the festive period, with Christmas parties and other events. On the one hand, this is great, but on the other, we can forget to look after ourselves. On the other hand, your health is not something you just forget!
For good health, you need to eat consciously and also exercise and move in moderation, and the festive season should be no exception. After all, we want to feel good about ourselves at Christmas too.
So how do we still make sure we continue to take good care of ourselves over the festive season? Here are some suggestions:
Find a clear place for exercise in your agenda
If you have a set time for each day, it's easier to do it. What is the best time depends on your schedule and commitments. If possible, we recommend starting the day with some exercise to give you good energy for the rest of the day. If you can't get moving in the morning, maybe a good time is lunch or right after work?
Set clear and achievable goals
If you're not used to regular exercise, start small, it might not be a good idea to train for an Ironman or marathon right away. If you start with two or three workouts a week or aim for 15 minutes of active movement a day, it's definitely a much more sustainable way to start. Eating normally builds up an appetite, but it's getting into a good habit that needs starting!
Work out with family or friends
It's sometimes hard to motivate yourself to find time to exercise every day, but a great workout partner or group can help keep you motivated. If you agree on a goal together and hold each other accountable, you're less likely to drift away from exercise immediately.
Exercise where you're most comfortable doing it
If you don't feel like running outside in the cold and you don't fancy a sports club, you can exercise at home. Home workouts can be very effective and you can experiment with different trainers and workout styles in the comfort of your own home. There is also no time spent on transport.
Spend as much time as possible outdoors and in nature
If you can spend some time outdoors, wear suitable clothing and enjoy the fresh air. Skiing, tobogganing, ice skating and walking in the fresh air will refresh your mind and invigorate your body!
For example, if you add to your daily exercise goal a goal to consume the right amount of water every day (an average of 2 litres would be a good goal) and put something fresh on every plate, you've taken several steps towards a healthier Christmas and why not a healthier future.
Good habits are the hardest to start - once they become part of your daily life and routine, the hard work is done.
On the FitQ platform, you'll find a range of at-home workouts to help you get moving on a daily basis, and an effective workout can really be as short as 15 minutes. Try for example:
In December, the FitQ platform will also be running a free training challenge, where you can take part in a free training session with a team of 3-5 members and enter a prize draw if you complete the challenge successfully. If this is something that motivates you to train with friends and family, sign up today. It's not too late to get started! Read more HERE!