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Found the joy of working out at home
This was my first experience with video workouts. Previously, I thought no one could motivate me to exercise at home (there are just too many distractions in a home environment). However, this challenge completely changed my perspective—now it's quite the opposite! I actually look forward to home workouts and can’t even be bothered to leave the house anymore. 😁
Found those few minutes in her day to get the workout done
I really liked that the workouts were short and quite varied—you can always find 20 minutes a day. Plus, all the workouts could be done without any equipment (which is great if you’re traveling, visiting someone, etc.). It was fun that when doing the workouts outside the home, a few friends even joined me, so instead of just one person, several ended up working out. Sometimes the kids joined in too, making it more lively. One workout even took place in a hotel room, squeezed in between the beds!
Gained energy and confidence from FitQ workouts.
It was interesting to get used to a different style of workout videos and new trainers. My favorite workouts were CardioMix, HIIT, and Core-Back-Glutes. I feel my body is getting stronger and more resilient with each session. I also notice that the workouts give me energy and boost my confidence. Moving my body has a positive impact on my mental health as well.