A Year Full of Activity: Join the “Active 2025” Challenge!

Are you ready to set a new year’s goal to become more active, healthier, and more energetic? That’s exactly why “Active 2025” was created—a year-long joint challenge from sports store Medpoint and the FitQ training platform, designed to help you stay motivated and active every day.

Why Join?
This is a fantastic opportunity to give your best, remain motivated, and see how your daily activity translates into better overall well-being. FitQ offers smart AI-based workouts, video trainings, and a training diary where you can earn valuable activity points. The more consistently you train and log your workouts, the more points you’ll accumulate—and the higher you’ll climb on the leaderboard.

How Much Does It Cost?
Choose from two different payment options:

      • Monthly fee of €30: includes a €15 Medpoint e-store gift card every month.

      • Quarterly fee of €100: includes a €50 Medpoint e-store gift card each quarter.

    You can use your gift card for anything in Medpoint’s online store—from sports equipment to recovery tools.

    Your Chance to Win Even More
    At the end of each quarter, the top 100 most active participants will be entered into a prize draw, where we’ll give away:

        • 1× €250 Medpoint Gift Card

        • 2× €50 Medpoint Gift Cards

      So, in addition to your monthly or quarterly gift cards, you also have the chance to win even bigger prizes.

      How to Get Started

          1. Create FitQ account. If you want to start using Stebby payments, create the account using Stebby login
          2. Purchase the “Active 2025” package on the FitQ platform (pay by credit card or via Stebby).
          3. Join the Active 2025 challenge in the FitQ environment.
          4. Collect activity points by doing AI workouts, video trainings, or filling out the training diary.
          5. Enjoy your monthly or quarterly gift cards and look forward to the exciting quarterly draw!

        Your journey begins here! Make 2025 your best year yet—join today, stay motivated, and keep moving towards your goals with FitQ and Medpoint by your side. Take the next step and embrace “Active 2025”!


        Monthly subscription
        30 monthly fee
        • 15€ Medpoint gift card each month
        • 1000+ video trainings
        • Your fitness indeks
        • Track your progress
        • Participate in quartely prize draw
        • Cancel anytime
        • Pay with Stebby or credit card


        Quarterly subscription
        100 quarterly fee
        • 60€ Medpoint gift card each month
        • 1000+ video trainings
        • Your fitness indeks
        • Track your progress
        • Participate in quartely prize draw
        • Cancel anytime
        • Pay with Stebby or credit card

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